
Consultancy Service

Consultancy Service

Our Consultany Services


Vip Consultancy - Domestic and International Purchase and Sale Services, Citizenship, Business Establishment and Business Partnership


- Management Consulting

- Production Consulting

- Human Resources Consulting

- Marketing Consulting

- Finance and Accounting Consulting

- Purchasing Consulting

- R&D Consulting

- Administrative Management Consulting

- International Transactions Consulting

- IT Consulting In addition to these consultancy services, consultancy services that have been widely applied in our country in recent years and it is as follows;

- Feasibility and Business Plan Preparation Consultancy

- Turnkey Factory Installation and Machine Layout Consultancy

- Training Consultancy

- Grant and Fund Consulting

- Project Management Consultancy

- Trademark and Patent Consultancy


There are hundreds of consultancy firms in all these fields of consultancy in our country. Accordingly, we can provide you with the best and most accurate service as TAŞDEMİR GLOBAL.


Research Services:

If it is clear in which field you need consultancy service, it is necessary to reach the consultant people or institutions operating in this field. It can be beneficial to get ideas from organizations like you who used a consultant for the same problem, as well as doing research on the internet.


Consultancy Service


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