TASDEMIR GLOBAL A.S. the foundations of which were laid in 2006 but officially started operating in 2019. today it has become a brand that continues its activities in Europe, the Middle East, South Africa and Turkey. It provides services in many sectors such as mining as its main activity, as well as plastics, raw materials, ingot soil, food, industry, construction, tourism, energy, pharmaceuticals, containers, medical.
TASDEMIR GLOBAL, which acts within a corporate structure by adopting continuity and progressivism as a principle, has recently been carrying out many projects, especially qualified mining services and medium-sized industrial group activities, in various regions of the world such as the Middle East, South Africa and Europe.
TASDEMIR GLOBAL, with its vision of being a global player that sets the standards and advances by discovery, will seize the cooperation and investment opportunities that it believes will be beneficial to the world economy and will continue to offer its best service.
Our vision is to be the indispensable company of our business partners and the first company that comes to mind in its related field, to represent our country in the best way with international successes and to have a share in large investments.